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首页 > 国际大咖 > 将建筑和现代的植物放置在每个设计的中心!


约翰·戴维斯|(John Davies)

约翰·戴维斯景观(John Davies Landscape)是一个全新、令人愉悦的设计和项目管理工作室,它以创造美丽优雅的花园空间而闻名于世,营造出一种平和、优雅的氛围。工作室的风格是将建筑和现代的植物放置在每个设计的中心。水元素常被采用,设计效果振奋精神、鼓舞灵魂。

翰·戴维斯(John Davies)以优异的成绩毕业于伦敦花园设计学院(London College of Garden Design),并获得了最佳年度奖。为种植设计和摄影而颁发的学生奖很快被花园设计师协会的“未来设计师奖”所取代。在今年的“花园设计师奖”(Society of Garden Designer Awards)中,一处漂亮的花园项目3万的候选作品中脱颖而出,并获得了成功。这一奖项以其时尚的现代线条与一种半自然风格的健壮种植计划相结合而受到称赞。


Halford Road

哈尔福德路Halford RoadThis tiny Fulham courtyard presented a tough challenge to John Davies Landscape. The entire house had been beautifully renovated  but with 20 square metres of outside space that was very badly overlooked and looked out ont...



Moonpark月亮公园This recently completed project explores the meeting point between Desert and Mediterranean executed in simple and minimal style. We are looking forward to the planting maturing and also for the arrival of some rather stunning furnishing...


Barton, Cambridgeshire

 Barton, Cambridgeshire巴顿,剑桥郡This is a contemporary garden space created for the first of two newly built properties in Cambridgeshire. The two houses sit next to each other on the same plot of land and from upstairs each may catch views of the...
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